Last overnight shift! I am so pumped about this as my body can't take it much longer. I am exhausted and I really need a good sleep, but I will from here on out sleep when others are sleeping instead of being awake! Hurray!

I saw the film 'What to Expect' this week and really liked the part where the mother states ' I was wanting the glow, but now I found my glow (which was her baby).' I think that is what my baby will be to me as my pregnancy does not feel like a positive time right now that is full of great experiences with no hardships. Each person experiences it differently I just wasn't expecting this. I guess you never do.

So much to do this week as we are moving. It is overwhelming. I printed off a to do list today so I hope to keep that up over the next few days. Excited to have it all finished, including being pregnant. But worried aobut

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