I haven’t had any time this past week to get in a post unfortunately, which may be driving some of my readers mad (sorry dad, just too busy). I have been doing a lot of ‘house making’ or what people who are pregnant like to say ‘nesting’ that has taken up a lot of my time. If those who know me are reading I have not watched a movie yet since coming to Ontario which really tells you how busy I am! So much to do and it feels like so little time, although really we have two years to do it.

We have officially fixed the front of the house so that the gardens look more like gardens and not weed patches. We have already gotten complements from the neighbours stating that it looks  better than it has in 20 years. I guess this is a  good thing. All the time of working on them though I have had the ‘morning sickness’ and tiredness which made it more difficult than I thought it would. I have gone to the doctor though and got some ‘diclectin’ which is supposed to help with the nausea, but all it has done so far is keep the constant feeling of nausea down, and replaced it with sudden urges to vomit which are followed by me vomiting. I have actually increased the amount of vomiting since starting it, and now that I am writing this down will likely call a pharmacist to figure out what to do…

We bought some Koi fish for our pond out back and I cleaned out the pond yesterday. There are three fish, one orange and black, one black and yellow, and one white with an orange spot on his forehead. They seem to like the pond but not us humans. The dogs have yet to realize they exist, although I think Merlin may have found one this morning as he looked at the pond with a cocked head. I think that once they realize there are fish there they will go to the pond more often.

I have been swimming regularly in the pool and I think it is helping stretch muscles that have not been used in a while. It is great to do back flips in the water and stretch out my stomach muscles that have been feeling rather over taxed at present with all the moving around inside. My baby is now the size of a lime so things, I think, are beginning to move around in there and it is best to keep the muscles active underneath.

I am feeling more positive about the move and the baby as we got the ultrasound and I got to see my baby moving around like it was dancing! I am beginning to feel at home here, more than  in Halifax, just with less friends surrounding me (until I make new ones of course). The community here is very welcoming and there is a pool party coming up which we will attend. Everyone here appears to be grandparents and are very excited to have another adoptive ‘grandbaby’ which I feel is how they see the baby I carry. I am glad for that, as it makes me not feel alone. 

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