Dear Baby,

On Wednesday I was able to see you for the first time through the pee in my bladder. Yes, the waves that rippled through my pee made it clear that you were there in an ultrasound and you were waving at me, and kicking and squirming like it was a dance party! I was overjoyed to see you there and although at the time I didn’t show it, was so elated that there was only  one of you! I would have started to cry if there were two. 

According to the technician you are 10 weeks 5 days old and you are due to pop out of my belly on January 4th, 2013. A new year's baby! It would be cool if you came early and were the first baby born on new year's but I won’t  hate you if you aren’t.  You have two arms and two legs (which I was glad for) and your head is oversized at present as you are developing the massive brain you are going to have as  a result of being the child of me and your dad. I saw your heart beating and I can see that it is so little and delicate but alive and kicking!

Baby, we now have some Koi fish as part of our family. Two dogs, and three koi fish. I have a feeling you are going to name the fish when you come as John does not seem to want to name them. I think whatever name you give them will be cute!  We also took some ‘Ikea’ kids furniture off the side of the road today to use as a playset for you. Yes, your parents do ‘recycle’ things from other people but when you get this set it will be beautiful and representative of you and your family, more so than new furniture ever would!

Your mom is also looking forward to the second trimester with you as she is hoping desperately that you like food and smells more during that time. Right now the overwhelming urge to feed you or to dispel of food when you don’t like it is getting to her and she would like to eat in peace for a while as you continue to grow strong. And eat some food with a semblance of flavour.

I hope that my uterus is keeping you warm and that life in a bubble is treating you well. I will continue to talk to you and send you positive vibes through my subconscious.



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