Dear Baby,

I have been singing a lot to you over the past few weeks once I was informed that you could hear me now. I have been singing you my favorites so that you will know my voice. Singing is usually a sign that your mommy is happy and I must say, i am very anxious to meet you. You got so excited the other day when I put the speaker to my belly and sang you a song. You were dancing/floating around and making it hard for me to sing!  It was a wonderful experience. 

I have been buying books for me to read to you when you come out and some to read while you are still in there (but you won't remember). I also bought some clothes for you the other day (a steal!) and I was so mesmerized by how small you were. I had a dream that I met you and you were so beautiful that I cried and cried and thanked God for letting me meet you.

Mom is working very hard to make sure she is ready for when you arrive. She now has room for you when we go for drives! However, your mom is a cheap person and is looking for the best deals possible. But we still have 6 months to be a part of each other so we have lots of time!

You make mom already so happy that she can't imagine what it will be like when you become your own person! She is so fearful yet so excited. But either

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