Dear Baby,

I went to get the ultrasound of you last week to determine your anatomy. It took longer than expected as I had a new person doing it and she was very thorough. I saw your kidneys, heart, stomach, bladder, spine, leg bones and many other of your features that were all in excellent condition (says the technicians).  They said you looked like a beautiful health baby. Near the end of the session you decided that you had had enough poking around and we got a picture of you trying to kick away the article that was pressing in on your territory. You were kicking with all your might! Some might say you are just like me, you don't like it when people linger too long. Then when we were discussing the likelyhood of your gender you decided to put on a show, and gave us a nice pee to indicate further what gender you were. Nice, an exhibitionist.  You are going to be on fun baby. 

John kisses where you are every morning and night now if you were wondering who was doing it. I can't reach to kiss so it had to be someone else. You are taking up more room now and as a result getting off the couch is becoming difficult. I am not really looking forward to later on in the pregnancy as I may be stuck on the couch until John gets home. Since I am only halfway through, this will be my next challenge. 

Love you lots baby, and will continue to sing,
